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Directed by Arielle Frances Bagood

Cast: Leah Zhang, Maya Knell, Mia Sydney, Valerie Yu

Stevie Lee has always yearned for a girlfriend. Or at the very least, some same-sex action. Freshly out of an engagement with her long-time (ex-)boyfriend, she meets up with Dani–an impossibly hot, honest-to-goodness lesbian. Desperate to finally “prove” her bisexuality, she bluffs her way into an all-girl threesome, thinking she’ll figure it out when she gets there. She does not figure it out when she gets there.

Writer: Melissa Peng
Producer: Sam Shapiro, Melissa Peng
Executive Producer: Patrick Zhang, Arielle Frances Bagood
Director of Photography: Farrah Su
Editor: Parida Tantiwasadakran
Production Designer: Marco Chiong
Composer: Fictitious Professor
Sound Designer: Derrick Duverger
Music: Fictitious Professor

Plays in

VC Online | Weekend 2

FREE/PAY WHAT YOU CAN VC FILM FEST is excited to present great line up of films & episodic…


Soulmates and old flames. BFFs and FWBs. Girlfriends, boyfriends, and themfriends. These stories are about those outside the box, and the love that brings them full circle.

Dates & Times


VC Online

Sat, May 11
11:59 pm

Art Theatre of Long Beach

Fri, May 10
6:00 pm