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Spaces—public, sacred, natural—are necessary to reflect and dream new ways forward. This four-part live podcast and pop-up art series will follow the seasons of the year and include an exploration of our fears and hopes for democracy. Combining poetic imagination, nature and social impact, Gratitude Blooming is a collaboration among an artist, a poet, and a land steward, three Asian Americans who aim to create sacred spaces that inspire us to notice and name the emotions we hold deep inside and build a better relationship with them. The series seeks to understand how we can better navigate our lives and collective governance with greater intention, compassion and imagination.

  • Omar Brownson is a storyteller, poet, entrepreneur and the co-host of the Gratitude Blooming Podcast who builds heartful spaces for a gratitude ecosystem and regenerative economy.
  • Belinda Liu is a nature-inspired visionary, land steward, and the co-founder of Gratitude Blooming who creates new ways of being and belonging.
  • Arlene Kim Suda is an artist and co-founder of Gratitude Blooming who makes art to bring awareness and healing to the world.

Hosted by James E. Herr, Director of the  National Center for the Preservation of Democracy at the Japanese American National Museum (Democracy Center)

Empathy & Democracy is presented by the Democracy Center in collaboration with the Gratitude Blooming Podcast.

Dates & Times


Democracy Center @ JANM

Sat, May 4
4:00 pm