UNION CENTER FOR THE ARTS: David Henry Hwang Theater
120 Judge John Aiso St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
The nearby parking garages are Aiso Parking Garage, City of Los Angeles and Lot 7.
Aiso Parking Garage (101 N. Judge John Aiso St, Los Angeles, CA 90012)
$1.00 per hour for the first 2 hours
$3.00 for the 3rd hour
$1.50 each 15 minutes
$14.00 daily maximum
$3.00 flat rate after 5pm
City of Los Angeles, Lot 7 (140 N. Judge John Aiso St, Los Angeles, CA 90012)
Monday – Friday (after 5pm OPEN TO THE PUBLIC): $7.00 flat rate
Saturday – Sunday (8am-8pm): $7.00 flat rate
- Handicap parking is available at all parking locations
- EWP is wheelchair and walker accessible
- Elevators are available inside EWP