Directed by Zuye "Joey" LiuCast: Shubhi Sahni
In the empty abyss of the underworld, the devil picks up the soul of a child and escorts him to his next cycle of reincarnation. Mid-journey, the child gets distracted by a butterfly and goes off-course. The devil follows the child into a forest and as he makes contact with the butterfly, blurry memories from his past begin to flash before his eyes. He cries a single tear and morphs into a something more human-like. At the end of the road, he waves good bye as the child walks through the portal–which then transforms into a grave.
Writer: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Producer: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Executive Producer: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Director of Photography: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Editor: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Production Designer: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Composer: Charlie Chaoli Sun
Sound Designer: ZuYe “Joey” Liu
Music: Charlie Chaoli Sun
Plays in
These frames in motion ask us what’s in the space in-between the lines?