Halo Halo centers around a star named Halo who is an anomaly among the other creatures of their world. After trying and failing to fit in, Halo is cast out from their community. However, when chaos ensues and darkness takes over Halo discovers that they shine in the darkness. It is through this discovery that they find and join other stars that were previously ostracized. Together Halo and the stars clear the darkness with their light and unity, learning to love themselves and their community.
Writer: Loren Elise Chun
Producer: Loren Elise Chun
Executive Producer: Loren Elise Chun
Editor: Loren Elise Chun
Composer: Natalie Wong Christensen
Sound Designer: Julia Passannante, Mary Robsinson Coco
Music: Natalie Wong Christensen
Plays in
These frames in motion ask us what’s in the space in-between the lines?