Directed by Amritpal KaurCast: Aman Kaur, Jackie Nova, Sundeep Morrison
While adjusting to her new life, she discovers why her aunt was shunned secretly from their family. The two must decide whether to embark on a lifelong journey to coexist and grieve the family lost.
Writer: Amritpal Kaur
Producer: Jaspreet Kaur, Mario Torres Torres, Marcos Nieves
Executive Producer: Sundeep Morrison, D’Lo
Director of Photography: Lydia T’Sou
Editor: Amritpal Kaur, Liliana Huentes
Production Designer: Jaspreet Kaur, Karanjot Kaur
Composer: Ravi Roshan
Sound Designer: Emily Peacock
Music: Ravi Roshan
Plays in
Parenting can come in many forms. It’s a single mother who struggles to keep her traditions and her noodle shop alive in a rapidly changing world. It’s the auntie who takes on the role of guardian for her niece. It’s the tender season after a mother’s passing, when her cognitively disabled daughter and her estranged sister must learn to communicate in order to move forward.