Crossings, Conversations, and Convictions: A Look at Generational Grassroots Movements
- C3
- 60 mins
Social movements, community organizing, and protest tell us the histories we must continue to learn about institutions, law, capital, and power. They also shape how we relate to one another, to ourselves, and the difficulties of what we believe to be successes and failures. This panel explores the mobilization of groups from the 50s, 70s to today and discusses their evolution, difficulties, and the histories they tell us about race and gender within institutions and power. We will look at three grassroots movements through the lens of three specific films and the different generations it captures. Filmmakers Deann Borshay Liem (CROSSINGS), Lan Nguyen (CAMBODIA TOWN THRIVES and CONVERSATIONS AT THE REGISTER), and Eugene Yi (FREE CHOL SOO LEE) will be joined by moderators and UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs professors, Lee Ann Wang and Karen Umemoto to discuss the social movements explored in their respective films and the importance of taking action.