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Directed by Rachel Makana'aloha O Kauikeolani Nakawatase

Filmmakers in attendance. Film program will be followed by Q&A

The filmmaker’s great-grandmother and aunties get ready for a night out. This footage is a glimpse into femininity and womanhood among aging Indigenous Asian women, free of the western ethnographic gaze that has haunted many portrayals of bodies of color.

Director: Rachel Makana’ Aloha O Kauikelonai Nakawatase
Director of Photography: Christine Kahiwahiwa Kang
Editor: Rachel Makana’ Aloha O Kauikelonai Nakawatase

Plays in

End of an Era

Memories flood the screen through home videos, a school yearbook, a sweet shop, and more. These non-fiction shorts turn a kind gaze upon different communities in the moments of uncertainty and transformation. — Udval Altangerel

Dates & Times
